Top industries and advertisers in Latvia in 2022 #GemiusAdreal
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Top industries and advertisers in Latvia in 2022 #GemiusAdreal

In 2022 internet advertising campaigns reached 83% of Latvian Internet users from computers on average, according to gemiusAdReal data. Gemius presents case study on the most popular industries and advertisers in Latvia in 2022.

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The data of Internet advertising campaign monitoring tool Gemius Adreal for 2022 shows that on average display, video, and text advertisements have reached 83% of Latvian Internet users from computers. The highest reach indicators for all advertising industries together was in September last year, when the reach was 86.72%, and the lowest – in June, when it was 78.86% of Internet users from computers. Meanwhile, the average number of advertising contacts with one user per month, or Frequency, was about 1,400 ad contacts per Internet user.

The biggest industries, according to the Real Users from computers, are Trade, Media, Finance and insurance, Leisure time, as well as the industry "Other" – each of which has shown Reach over 99% last year.

Cathegory: Trade

The largest brand of Trade industry is Rimi, as display, video, and text ads appeared to 1,030,800 Internet users from computers. Most often brand advertisements were shown to users on media Appearing on 1,016,000 Internet user computers, the second most popular Trade industry brand in 2022 is Lidl, ads most often reached users on the portal With 973,000 Real Users, RD Electronics ranks third, but Maxima is fourth with 950,000 users, and the fifth largest brand in the Trade industry last year is Pērc un Pārdod with 941,000 Real Users. All three brand ads most often appeared on

Cathegory: Other

Meanwhile, the industry "Other", which combines a series of sub-industries, such as education, social advertising, company advertising, shipping and courier services, and others, biggest brand in 2022 was a job advertisement portal with 883,000 users, while Priedes AG ranks second with 826,000 users, but third is Delfi Brand Studio with 770,000 Real Users. With 704,000 users, the fourth most popular brand is Wolt from the shipping and courier sub-industry, and the fifth is the State Regional Development Agency, as advertising creatives last year reached 694,000 Internet users from computers. Both CV.LV and Priedes AG have reached the most users on, but the other three brands were more likely to appear on

Last year, the media industry's most popular brand was Delfi, as the brand’s advertisements were shown for 902,000 Internet users from computers. With 833,000 Real Users, the second largest brand is Go3, while in the third position is video on demand platform Tet+ with 804 000 users from computers. The fourth most popular brand of media industry is XTV as the brand’s ads appeared on the computers of 777,000 Internet users last year, but Top 5 is closed by Inbox with 775,000 users – both brand ads have reached the highest number of users on

Cathegory: Finance

The biggest brand of the Finance, insurance, and brokerage industry last year was Swedbank, as the brand’s ads appeared to 990,000 Internet users. With 831,000 Real Users second place is taken by Ferratum Bank, and third with 812,000 users is Bigbank. The fourth largest brand of the Finance industry is Luminor, while the fifth, with 752,000 Real Users - the insurance brand Balcia, which ads appeared on computers of 805,000 internet users. Swedbank and Luminor advertisements most often were shown for the users on portal, while Bigbank's creatives appeared on, but Ferratum and Balcia ads reached the most users on

Cathegory: Leisure time

Meanwhile, in the Leisure time industry, several sports betting and casino sub-industry brands have become the largest last year. With the 868,000 Real Users, on whose computers brand advertising appeared, Klondaika has become the most popular in the industry, followed by Betsafe with 847,000 users, leaving Optibet in third place with 805,000 Real Users. With 754,000 users, the fourth is Laimz, but the fifth is SynotTip with 644,000 Real Users.

The most popular Internet media with the highest number of users on which computers display, video and text ads appeared are,,,,, and Display ads in addition to the media already mentioned have often reached users on, and, while video creatives - on, and, but text advertising – on websites, and

About gemiusAdReal

Gemius AdReal system in Latvia processes around 4 million video ads and 54 million display ads every day, including about 60,000 new display ads and 5,000 video ads entering the system every day. Advertisements are categorized into 18 industries - telecommunications, clothing and accessories, trade, food, finance, pharmaceuticals, household equipment and more, which can be viewed in detail in a number of sub-industries. They can be viewed by brand owner, brand, media owner, media channel or industry.

The study is based on a large panel of about 3,000 Internet users per month (2,000 panelists per day) in the 7-74 age group, a representative group of Internet users who have downloaded a plug-in to measure the effectiveness of online advertising campaigns on their computers. The data collected is categorized and weighted to get an overall picture of the online advertising market.

You can learn more about Adreal here.

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